Happy New Year! Welcome 2021. A tribute to 2020.

WELCOME TO 2021!!! Is it everything you hoped for so far? I pray things are much better for you this year than what we were all dealt last year. But, as I’ve mentioned in several podcasts, 2020 was both a blessing and a curse. It’s the year I saw my first REAL snow!

Now, before you ask if I’m crazy for saying that 2020 was a blessing, take a moment to REALLY think about what 2020 did for you. Let’s start with me.

2020 started off like a normal year. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then word of coronavirus got out. We didn’t know it was in the states right away… so we giggled as memes circulated about how a popular beer had a virus… and so on and so forth. Then we realized COVID-19 was about to change the economy… our incomes, our families, our businesses… so no longer was it a laughing matter. But here’s the thing…

On March 23rd, 2020 I aired a podcast. On March 24th it was the next big podcast on social media circulating amongst fellow podcasters, friends and family. Thanks to some VERY helpful people who discovered my post and brought Today’s Talk with Erika to life.

My voiceover work – the real money-maker – didn’t fare so well. I took a big hit for several months. It took a while to recover, but it’s getting back to normal.
I had three family members pass away, my cat died suddenly and I was severely sick twice with sinus infections.

But in the end, I really feel more blessed than cursed by last year. Understandably, those who contracted COVID-19 and who had difficulty recovering, might have a different perspective. But from my perspective, I learned a few things. I had major support from friends to continue with my podcast. My voice work came back better than ever. And I ended the year with my first white Christmas! It was a good year.

I pray that those of you who are reading this are just as pleased with 2020 as I am. I pray for those who are ill to recover quickly. I pray that 2021 only brings happiness and prosperity. And I pray that you keep Christmas in your heart. It’s literally my happiest time of year!

So Happy New Year! And God Bless.

If you would like help launching a podcast, or creating your website, please contact my friend Brian Campbell with Skyhawk Media.
You can hear Today’s Talk with Erika on Skyhawk Radio’s Talk Channel Mondays at 5PM ET.

My career in voice work began in 2001. I have been “the voice” for hundreds of companies nationwide. I now record and produce projects for companies across the nation.

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Life Lessons from Pets

This is a collaboration blog by Erika Del Sordo and Meredith Kimmel, ACC.  This blog can also be found at  Erika and I are both huge animal...
