I start today’s blog with a brief story about how I saved, or rather helped, a wild turkey. Yes folks, it wouldn’t be 2020 without one of these stories to add to the rest of the craziness.
This news is not surprising to those who have known me for years. Each year, hundreds of animals come to me knowing that I’ll help them. There are many people like me. Animals just know who to come to for help. I would be one of those people.
One year I saved a pigeon. There have been countless turtles. A duck. A dog that had just been hit by a car… But this week, I wrangled a sick turkey.

There is a flock of turkeys that always visits the property. Why? Oh, because I feed them corn and bird food and water them with love. But recently I had noticed one less turkey. (Yes, I count them. And three of these six are babies.) Well, this one poor turkey came down with Avian Pox and had become blind. She was frail because she couldn’t find her food. And where did she go to be sick? My driveway. So I called Florida Wildlife Care and they walked me through how to pick her up and bring her to the closest vet that could euthanize her. Avian Pox is not treatable and highly contagious to other birds.
So … why a blog about this?
Because after the loss of Snowball in October and the realization that there aren’t emergency vet services within 45 miles of where I live and now aiding a sick turkey with the help of Wildlife services, I think there’s something very important to talk about:
Whether in a new home – in a new area, or on vacation, always find out where the nearest veterinary services and wildlife care centers are located. You honestly never know when you’ll need their help.
Emergencies never happen at the right moment. It’s a sh** hit the fan disaster and you don’t know what to do. So find out where these services are and put them into your phone as Favorites so that they’re the first numbers to pop up in the Contacts section. Same goes for your nearest police department’s non-emergency number. These are not numbers that you’ll be able to locate when an emergency unfolds. At least not in a timely manner.
So folks, to review:
1.) Locate your nearest vet.
2.) Locate your nearest vet emergency services after hours.
3.) Locate your nearby wildlife services.
4.) Search for your police department’s non-emergency number.
5.) Place all of these helpful numbers in your Contacts as *Favorites.
You never know when you’ll need these numbers. I’ve lived in my new home in North Florida now for nearly two years and have needed all of them.
Take care, be safe and may God Bless.
RIP baby turkey.
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